
Activate your extended teams

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Core Services

Employee Sustainability Training



Employee Sustainability Training

We build the knowledge and skills to help drive progress and achieve your goals.

We have a suite of Employee Sustainability Training offerings designed to meet your needs. From communications training for leaders to enable them to confidently speak about your sustainability program to department-targeted skills training around a specific sustainability initiative, to all-employee sustainability knowledge building sessions offered online or in-person, our experts can uplevel your team quickly.

What it looks like:

  • Assessment of your team’s current knowledge and skill
  • Training strategy and content 
  • Customized training plan (cohort vs. small-group vs.individual; asynchronous vs. scheduled, single training vs. series; offline vs. online)
  • Facilitation of in-person or online training
Connect with our Senior Director, Derek Sabori, to learn more:

Supply Chain Engagement



Supply Chain Engagement

We help you engage your suppliers to improve the practices that affect your business.

Leverage your influence to drive positive change with your supplier network by encouraging and supporting their sustainability efforts. We help you build the strategy, engagement plan, tools, and program to enable your supplier network to actively improve their impacts, drive down your Scope 3 emissions, and reduce business risk such as water scarcity, labor rights, climate risk, and others.

What it looks like: 

  • Strategic supplier segmentation and prioritization
  • Engagement plan to drive progress on key issues
  • Support tools and programs
  • Action plan for highlighting supplier success 
Connect with our Head of Sustainability Strategy, Sheila Ongie, to learn more:

Sales & Marketing Team Activation



Sales & Marketing Team Activation

We develop tools and training to enable sales and marketing teams to speak confidently and accurately about sustainability.

We’ll gain a clear understanding of your customers and their sustainability motivators, as well as your business goals. With this, we’ll uncover how to leverage your sustainability work as an added benefit to customers. We’ll build an effective sustainability sales and/or marketing plan that guides you to tell customers ‘what’s in it for them’. We’ll create materials, talking points, and conversation guides that resonate with each customer persona. These tools will build confidence and knowledge within your own teams so they can be confident as they integrate sustainability into their sales and marketing approach.

What it looks like:

  • Assessment of current knowledge and interest in sustainability
  • Customer sustainability persona development
  • Messaging and assets to integrate sustainability into existing materials
  • Training and tools to avoid greenwashing
Connect with our Sustainability Communications Director, Sami Grover, to learn more:

Employee Engagement Campaigns



Employee Engagement Campaigns

We help you generate awareness, excitement, and engagement among team members.

Our strategists, writers, and creative teams design brand-aligned activations that empower employees to see themselves as an extension of the sustainability team, with their actions directly contributing to the initiative's success. We specialize in translating ESG strategy into compelling storytelling and impactful activations that benefit the business, the planet, and society. We believe that engaging, creative content is essential to inspire and mobilize your team. Our employee engagement campaigns focus on increasing knowledge, building pride and loyalty, supporting recruitment and retention, and driving progress on your goals. The result is a workforce where team members at all levels understand sustainability priorities and know how to contribute in their roles.

What it looks like:

  • Through interviews, focus groups, and/or surveys, we will gain a clear understanding of knowledge, interests, challenges, and opportunities.
  • We’ll leverage the insights from our stakeholder engagement to inspire creative engagement ideas and a strategic roll-out aimed at building driving progress.
  • We’ll make a splash with creative materials that surprise and delight your employees, then continue to build excitement and knowledge over the duration of the campaign.
Connect with our Head of Communications & Brand, Janna Irons, to learn more:

Additional Services

  • Internal Communications Campaigns: We create internal communications to help your team communicate complex topics, announce a change, build awareness, or drive action on a specific issue.
  • On-site activations: Our team can create engaging experiences at your event, conference, office, or facility to create excitement and educate. 
  • Websites, Video, & Interactive Content: We help you strategize and bring to life your sustainability story through video, social media content, website pages, microsites, and digital interactive experiences.

Why thinkPARALLAX?

Our team of communication strategists bring ingenious ideas and creative copy. Our designers bring eye-catching, on-brand visuals, and big ideas. Our sustainability technical experts ensure our messages are credible and our facts are sound. Together, we offer strategic storytelling you can’t get anywhere else.

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